CCTS Community Health Initiated Research Partnerships (CHIRP) Fellowship Awards is a Course
CCTS Community Health Initiated Research Partnerships (CHIRP) Fellowship Awards
Community Health Initiated Research Partnerships (CHIRP) Fellowship Awards support collaboration between faculty members and a community-based collaborator/organization to conduct new, unfunded research and pilot studies that will address a community-identified need. Through this program, community-engaged partnerships are expected to develop innovative, exciting, and impactful research projects that are conducted in community-based and clinical settings and have the potential to lead to future community-engaged research opportunities. Teams will receive community-engaged proposal development training and resources and mentorship from experts in their field of study to refine a protocol and submit to the IRB. Upon completion of the training and IRB approval, each team will receive up to $25,000 to implement their research.
View Course: CCTS Community Health Initiated Research Partnerships (CHIRP) Fellowship Awards
Community Health Initiated Research Partnerships (CHIRP) Fellowship Awards support collaboration between faculty members and a community-based collaborator/organization to conduct new, unfunded research and pilot studies that will address a community-identified need. Through this program, community-engaged partnerships are expected to develop innovative, exciting, and impactful research projects that are conducted in community-based and clinical settings and have the potential to lead to future community-engaged research opportunities. Teams will receive community-engaged proposal development training and resources and mentorship from experts in their field of study to refine a protocol and submit to the IRB. Upon completion of the training and IRB approval, each team will receive up to $25,000 to implement their research.
Listing Catalog: School of Public Health
Listing Date: Started Mar 1, 2021
Listing Price: FREE